
My Beauty Sleep - Every Mattress Has A Story

My Beauty Sleep, Every Mattress Has A Story, My Quality Sleep, #MYDunlopilloMoments

I know some of us are suffering from sleep deprivation due to our workloads, stress or too many late night activities / parties. This can caused us to look haggard, fatigue, under performed or make silly mistakes. So how many hours do you sleep a day? Do you have quality sleep? Getting enough quality sleep is important for us to look fresh, be productive, mentally sharp, emotionally balance, and full of energy all day long.

I need about 6 to 8 hours beauty sleep a day. I mean quality sleep where my body and mind really on relax mode and rest. Here some secrets of getting a good sleep every night. A neat, clean and comfortable bedroom is one of the factors including the lighting and room temperature. Good and consistent sleeping habits plus balanced lifestyle.

One of the key factors of getting a good sleep is having a good support mattress and quality bedding products. As this is very important to me, I make sure I invest in a good mattress and pillow that can give a good support while I sleep. Well, it is more than just a mattress for married couple. We enhance our relationship and bonding in the comfort of our mattress or bed. We have pillow talk, discuss about our future, concerns and clear our mind before we sleep. Hey, we also watch TV, flip through our photo albums and have breakfast in bed together. See it all takes place in the sanctuary of our comfortable mattress.

So now you see it’s not just a mattress, it’s the moment. What are your #MYDunlopilloMoments? You can join the simple contest and win RM500 Dunlopillo voucher on Dunlopillo’s Facebook page at

Every Mattress Has A Story, #MYDunlopilloMoments

All you need to do is get in bed, take a picture worth remembering and upload it in the comments on their facebook page here The Top 10 comments with the most “Likes” will each win a RM500 Dunlopillo voucher. Contest ends 25 Dec 2014.

Remember to sleep well and enhance the relationship with your loved one 
during your holiday. Have a good weekend ahead!


  1. I have issues with sleeping, I always had.. and it kills me. I take Melatonin and it helps sometime.

  2. Wa.. Sleeping beauty

  3. i've been trying to get good sleep every night but it's hard. i get about 4.5 hrs of sleep every weekdays because it's hard for me to fall asleep. :( tried prescribed sleeping pills before and they didn't even work!

  4. I like to sleep but also like to do a lot of things at night so I tend to break my own body clock at times. Maybe having a good mattress could change my habits

  5. Same pinch! I can't do without a good 8 hours of sleep. All the best for the contest

  6. I thought of the photo concept and first thing that came to my mind: I will need a very LONG selfie-stick! haha... Yes, mattress is very important as it helps with the alignment of your spine too...

  7. omg seriously your skin is so good babe :( I need more beauty sleep also! XD

  8. So this is how u look like when u asleep. Haha...
    Yes, beauty sleep is very important for our health too.

  9. It's my best friend lol. I wish I could have more time in taking sleep and nap. Thank you for reminding

  10. We also have pillow talk but that's between me and my sister since we share the same bed. We talk even with our dolls so we can just relax and ease our stresses over work and what has happened during the day. We talk about lessons learned and the near future.

  11. We deprive ourselves from sleep just because we have so many things in mind. We are forgetting (or ignoring) the fact that sleep is very important. You're right, a good mattress contributes to a better sleep. It reminded me to change mine as I've been having a hard time sleeping lately. Thanks!

  12. The quality of mattress will eventually affect the quality of one's sleep. So getting a good quality mattress is really important!

  13. Ok today I slept around 12 hours and still I am feeling tired.. This situation is on since I ve moved. So I will think to change the mattress for real!

  14. I could use a new mattress myself and sing a new song. Discomfort is the worst thing at night.

  15. I could use a new mattress myself. Nothing beats sleeping on a comfy bed that doesn't hurt your back...

  16. I have heard that the comfy mattress is extremely important for the composure of our sleep at night. If the body stresses itself on inappropriate mattress this can cause a lot of disturbance. I think that Dunlopillo brand is great in this respect!

  17. those pillow talks actually end up to be more important and lengthy than the usual chitchat over the day, and more intimate too. I heard that Dunlopillo really gives you comfort with their mattresses, so getting a pillow from the would give you more comfy pillow talks!

  18. lol pillow talks, I guess that's new to me. But I remember I have a pillow back in highschool that I always look for every time I go to sleep, and I remember I can't get much sleep if I don't have it. But when I went to college, mom didn't allow me to bring it.haha it was already fully

    But now, I know, I'm getting comfy with the pillow I've been using for couple of months now. And speaking of sleep. I don't easily get to sleep when it's not my home.

  19. If you want to have a goodnight sleep, you should find good pillows. Using the wrong type of pillow for sleeping will not make you feel rejuvenated and rested when you wake up the next day.

  20. If you're looking for more products to help you sleep well, check out this site!


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