Winner of Fashion Culture Box Giveaway

fashion culture box, Winner of Fashion Culture Box Giveaway, fashion culture box giveaway, giveaway

Say hello to April Fool! This is real I am going to announce the winner Fashion Culture Box: Fairytale Series Review & Giveaway that has ended on 27th March 2014. Fashion Culture Box is a monthly fashion subscription box in Malaysia and also the first of its kind in Asia. Are you the winner?

Congratulations! The winner for Fashion Culture Box April Box Series is

1.   Lim Yee Pee

The winners please email your Name, Contact & Email to kelly2988 [at] gmail [dot] com latest by 3rd April 2014. Thanks to everyone who has participated. If you do not win this round don’t be sad because there will be more giveaway coming up soon. So always keep an eye on Sunshine Kelly blog for giveaway.


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