New CASIO EX TR15 & EX TR10 Cameras Perfect For Beautiful Self Portraits at Any Angle


The new CASIO EX-TR15 & EX-TR10 cameras are the compact camera that every girl wish to have, including me. It makes you look beautiful in every angle and every picture you take. CASIO EX-TR15 & EX-TR10 cameras was recently launched in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and finally in Malaysia today.

The New CASIO EX TR15 and TR10 was launched today at the Renoma Café, Kuala Lumpur. These two cameras are Perfect for Self Portraits. I am sure for those who had try it will know why… the vivid pink TR15 one is the killer among all. 

Celebrities: Wanna Ali, Hanis Zalika, Koe Yeet and Jennifer Foh

CASIO EX-TR15 & EX-TR10 Cameras Perfect For bautiful Self Portraits at Any AngleWhy to special? CASIO EX-TR15 and EX-TR10 equipped with Skin Brightening Mode and Make-up Mode for even more beautiful photos of people and designed for taking self-portraits. You simple look beautiful. 

The CASIO EX-TR15 & EX-TR10 are powered by EXILIM engine HS, Ver.3 combines high speed image processing and shooting technology.  

new CASIO EX-TR10 

Yap Fui Fui, Marketing Manager of Marco Heritage

“People who did not consider themselves photography buffs are now filling ever-larger hard drives with thousands of images of themselves, their friends and family, and their lives – and posting them on multiple social media sites,” says Yap Fui Fui, Marketing Manager of Marco Heritage, the exclusive distributors of CASIO EXILIM cameras in Malaysia.

There 3 new elements in EX-TR15 7 EX-TR10
new design, new screen and new remote 

The new design fits into palm with more refined and luxurious texture. Plus handle can be used as an auxiliary tripod screen frame and it comes with multi-flip angle with vertical 360-degree and horizontal 270-degree rotation display ideal for taking self-portraits in various angles. Its beautifully design like fashion gadget.

The new screen is 3 inch with touch screen and both models display photos vividly with 920,000 pixels LCD displays. It also comes with a self-portrait shutter button on the frame, which makes it simple to press while holding the camera frame with one hand. Of course the New Skin Brightening Mode and Make-up Mode enhances the ability to shoot beautiful photos that achieve the makeup mode effect. CASIO EX-TR15 is also equipped 21mm ultra wide angle fixed focus. 

TR Series Decorative Functions

The cameras also come loaded with Decorative Functions – paint, stamps, and frames to enhance self-portraits. Other features include Self Timer, Touch Shutter, 21 mm wide-angle lens, Motion Shutter, Premium Auto Pro, High Speed Shooting, Sparkling Shots, and Art Shots. Not forgetting the self timer function that allows us to take self portraits at different angle.

“Creativity in taking self-portraits has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years,” Yap reckons. “Today, young people have perfected the art of self-portraits with such techniques as lighting, composition, and camera angles that were once the province of professionals.”

EX-TR15 comes with Wireless LAN Function

Last but not least is the new remote, EX-TR15 comes with an additional feature, the Wireless LAN, enabling users to control the camera using a smartphone (as a remote controller) for remote shooting. In addition, photos can be transferred to smartphone immediately after shooting and then shared via social media platforms. The different between EX-TR15 and EX-TR10 is only the Wireless LAN connection.

CASION EX-TR15 comes in black, white and vivid pink retail for RM2,599. CASIO EX-TR10 comes in white, blue, and special pink retails for RM2,099


  1. This is such a fun camera to have! Pity its just SO expensive though. I bought my brand new Canon 700D kit DSLR at only RM2.6K. Compared to the TR15, the TR15 definitely seems pricier.

  2. OMG This is so awesome! But too bad it's so expensive. T_T I would love to own the white one, hehe~


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