
Watch: SevenFriday

SevenFriday the Swiss based watch company launches its first series of watches. Steel, industrial plants, tools, engines, machines, wheels – the brand’s universe as well as its designs, are strongly inspired by those elements. The products’ design is a result of this inspiration in combination with high-end production and complex construction. It is a merger of contrasting materials and styles in harmony. The products clearly target individuals with high demands with regard to design, quality and uniqueness.

The wrist watches of SEVENFRIDAY are built on two major elements – the case and the interface. The case made of stainless steel is a complex construction and offers maximum protection. The shape and style lie between the spectrum of modern and classic, creating an exciting atmosphere that will appeal to every watch-lover who appreciates unique expressions of time. The case is surrounded by the animation ring made of aluminium, catering additionally to the haptic and visual senses.

Within this unique case, you will find the interface which consists of hands, discs, dial and movement. The indicators are designed and arranged to bring the complexity of the movement to the surface for the wearer’s appreciation. The dial alone is made of five separate pieces / layers with 11 different applications. The complex construction attracts and fascinates the spectator and offers the special appreciation for timelessness. A variety of materials, finishing and colors completes the uniqueness of the collection and takes the user on a tour of ongoing discoveries.

The haptic experience is enhanced by the animation ring which reinterprets the Industrial Revolution, including the profile and material. It protectively embraces the grey coated stainless steel case.

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