
The Malaysia Book of Records: The Largest Gathering of Pregnant Women at ntv7 & Bella ntv7 Bella Bundle of Joy Event

Yunny is the coolest Fabulous Mom

Wow! ntv7 has made history by organizing the Largest Gathering of Pregnant Women through ‘Bella Bundle of Joy’ (BBOJ) at Majestic Hotel last sunday. It has also managed to garner enough attendance to make it into The Malaysia Book of Records when more than 125 pregnant women attended the event.

Malaysia Book of Record the Largest Gathering of Pregnant Women

This so called baby shower event intends to celebrate expectant mothers who are about to embark on the wonderful journey of motherhood. I was there too hehehe… I met some friends, mummy friends and expectant mothers like Angie and Yunny.

125 pregnant women at Bella Bundle of Joy Event

On Sunday Majestic Hotel ballroom was swamped with hundreds of glowing pregnant women, some of the most renowned local celebrities who have been dubbed as mothers themselves such as Dynas Mokhtar, Daphne Iking, Sasha Bashir, and Sheahnee Iman Lee, also graced the event and shared their experience as mothers. Aside from that, the talented Jazz beauty, Atilia, took on the stage with her captivating voice.

Dynas Mokhtar

Datuk Danny Ooi, Founder & Managing Director of Malaysia Book of Records 
& Airin Zainul, GGM of ntv7 & 8TV

BBOJ is one of the many series of initiatives that are put in motion in conjunction with the Will & Kate and The Royal Baby campaign which is the sequel to the previous campaigns associated with the iconic British Royal Couple since their Royal wedding.

There are many activities going on from 2pm till 7pm, such as special talks on preparations that are acquired of an expectant mother, an in-depth understanding of a child’s needs, a special ‘Fabulous Mom’ competition, lucky draw sessions and various booths selling assorted items and scrumptious foods. 

Fabulous Mom competition

with Yunny

with Angel
ntv7 will also be featuring four special documentaries through the month of June: Prince William & Prince Harry – Prisoners of Celebrity (9th June) Bio: Kate Middleton (16th June) Secrets of the Royal Nursery (23rd June) and Will & Kate Baby Fever (30th June) through a special slot that is set to air every Sunday at 8.30pm. Previously, the station has run campaigns such as Will & Kate: The Royal Wedding, Will & Kate: The 1st Anniversary and Will & Kate: The Malaysian Tour.

For more information about the station’s historical event, ‘Bella Bundle of Joy’, visit or follow the latest updates through ntv7’s Facebook and Twitter.


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