
Free Tree Society Celebrated World Environment Day 2013

I got my plant on World Environmental Day at Bangsar Shopping Centre. Do you know that trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30%? Do you know that a mature tree removes almost 70 times more pollution than a newly planted tree? 

Yang Berbahagia Puan Nori Abdullah

The Free Tree Society celebrated World Environment Day on Wednesday, 5th June 2013 at Bangsar Shopping Centre. Presented by Guardian Pharmacy and Bangsar Shopping Centre, there were plenty of activities for everyone including T-shirt and plant seedling giveaways.

Yang Berbahagia Puan Nori Abdullah, wife of Yang Berhormat Encik Khairy Jamaluddin, Minister of Youth & Sports Malaysia, the morning’s ceremony involved a cheque presentation of RM20,000 from Guardian Malaysia to Free Tree Society which was raised through the Guardian  Plant A Tree Facebook Apps contest as well as Aishah Sinclair, as Free Tree Society founding member’s generous donation of her fee of RM10,000 for designing Guardian’s exclusive Eco  Bags towards her new charity.

During this 2-month ECO campaign by Guardian Pharmacy at Bangsar Shopping Centre, the cumulative monies collected from 20 cents paid by the public on Saturday’s no plastic bag day will be given as proceeds to the FTS funds. 

With an aim to increase and improve the suburban and city greenscape while encouraging the love for local plants, the Free Tree Society has resources accessing all types of plants to suit all kinds of gardens for the city of Kuala Lumpur.

The Free Tree Society, supported by Bandar Raya Developments Bhd (BRDB), aims to green the neighbourhood, by growing and nurturing plants with a good community spirit. Established by 7 like-minded women who founded green goals and objectives based on trees and plants with their life-giving seeds.

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