
Himalaya AyurSlim Review

Opsss! I gained weight already sigh. Last time my weight maintain at 50kgs I think that is normal, recently it start to increase like 53.5kgs or worst the scale keep going up. Oh no! I must do something… Beginning of April, I started taking this Himalaya AyurSlim hope it helps. According to BMI my weight is normal but I just would like to maintain it at 50kgs or less.  

Himalaya herbal healthcare, himalaya ayurslim, herbal slimming products, herbal slimming pills, ayurslim, himalaya

A little bit of description, AyurSlim capsules is a traditionally used to reduce body weight and help to slim down. It is a herbal product to be taken twice daily after meals, 2 capsules each time. Its suitable for women and men. This capsule basically helps to reduce food cravings, fat production, and cholesterol.

Himalaya herbal healthcare, himalaya ayurslim, herbal slimming products, herbal slimming pills, ayurslim, himalaya

What does AyurSlim contain?
1. garcinia – limits fat production
2. gymnema – reduce craving for sugar
3. guggul – reduces excess cholesterol
4. terminalia chebula – detoxifies body and has bowel cleansing action
5. trigonella foenum graecum – block absorption of sugar

Himalaya herbal healthcare, himalaya ayurslim, herbal slimming products, herbal slimming pills, ayurslim, himalaya

Review: Himalaya AyurSlim 
I have been taking this AyurSlim for almost coming to 4 weeks. According to the instructions or dosage is to take 2 capsules twice a day after meals. However I am new to this product so I am sceptical so I started taking only once a day 2 capsules. For the first week, I took 2 capsule either after my dinner or lunch whenever is convenient for me. Then the 2 week after I came back from Kuching Trip onwards I started to take twice a day 2 capsules each time.  

The taste? Hmmm… actually no taste because its in the capsule. So not too bad. It’s actually herbal powder in the capsule. After taking AyurSlim I find that I sweat a lot and my body very hot and heaty. Well, I think maybe it helps to boost up my metabolism. Plus I get thirty very fast, I drank a lot of water and of course la I go to toilet more often. Caution, if you take AyurSlim your body will get heaty so you need to drink lots of water and avoid the fried food. If you can’t stand this or feel uncomfortable I would suggest you do not proceed.  

For the first week, I check my weight still at 53.5kgs so there is no drop or any changes in my measurement or I don’t feel that my jeans get any looser. Second week also not much changes as I only drop like 0.5kgs but I feel that my appetite has reduced. The 3rd week onwards I see like 0.5kgs reduced that also I do more exercise and control my food intake. The 4th week another 1kgs down. In 4 weeks I lost about 2kgs including some exercise and food intake control. So is this consider a lot or so so?

Overall, I think this is  best fat burner so the effect is not that fast or drastic. I lost a bit of weight, 2kgs. However, the setbacks were when I was taking this Himalaya AyurSlim, I sweat a lot and my body felt so hot. So far I do not encounter any constipation problem because I drank a lot of water. 


  1. After I had archived my weight loss do I still have to consume it to balance it?if need,when can completely stop consuming it?thankyou

  2. After I had archived my weight loss do I still have to consume it to balance it?if need,when can completely stop consuming it?thankyou

  3. After I had archived my weight loss do I still have to consume it to balance it?if need,when can completely stop consuming it?thankyou

  4. We have been using many Himalaya products for more than a decade, and the Quality is undoubted..
    but when it comes to Ayurslim i have a query!
    can anyone have idea... is it safe?? because i heard during wait reduction treatments lot of Fat ll be excreted thru urine.. thus kidney ll be overloaded.. so it can lead to renal failure in a long run..
    How Ayurslim is safe in this perspective??
    so what kind of cautions to be noted..

  5. Does after meals mean after breakfast n Dinner or after breakfast n lunch or after Lunch n dinner?

  6. I will try.anybody suggest me?

  7. It is effective one , when you become effective ,thru workout or any sort of cardiovascular workout


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