
MHmoments with Yuna by Malaysia Airlines

Last night at The Square, Publika was packed with Yuna’s fans. Malaysia Airlines held a special party for the public and to celebrate and welcome Yuna as Malaysia Airlines’ Social Media Ambassador. She sang a few song including her latest song Lelaki. Yuna recently signed with Verve Music Group, stay tuned and keep an eye for Yuna’s latest album in 2013 called Sixth Street going to release soon in few days. 

MAS social media scene has grown tremendously since the first baby steps were taken in 2012 especially with the launch of its new flagship the A380. This year, the induction into the oneworld alliance kicked off the airline’s social media blitz with a special live telecast of the unveiling ceremony via Google+. In 2010, Malaysia Airlines was recognized for its active engagement on Social Media by winning the "Best Use of Social Media to Drive Revenue" award at the inaugural Simpliflying - Airline Business Social Media Excellence Awards for Airlines.

For more information and latest happenings check out Malaysia Airlines via these channels: Google+ (Malaysia Airlines), YouTube (MAStravel), Malaysia Airlines’ Facebook page and Twitter (@MAS)


  1. I like the airplane modal!!! =]

  2. Love travel to Malaysia, superb flights with comfortable journey. Missing my last year trip.


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