
Warmth, Love, Joy and Excitement for Old Folks at Pavilion KL during Chinese New Year 2013

Chinese New Year was not the same for the senior citizens of Tong Sim old folks home, Caring old folks home and Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheng this year. Their usually quiet celebration was made warm and fuzzy with a festive day out hosted by the hub of experiences, Pavilion KL. The city’s premier lifestyle destination also donated RM50,000 to ten old folks homes across the country as part of the Auspicious 8 Chinese New Year Charity Campaign which took place from 19 January to 24 February 2013.

Pavilion KL donated RM50,000 to 10 different old folks homes in conjunction with its Circles of Prosperity Chinese New Year celebrations.

Laughter and excited chatter filled the Centre Court of Pavilion KL as 60 senior citizens, were treated to lion dance and various special performances by Pavilion KL. The seniors also enjoyed a scrumptious menu of special Dim Sum at Pavilion KL’s Grand Palace Restaurant and later enjoyed some fun-filled activities that included singing and dancing. 

Engaged in delighted conversations and cheerful hugs with the old folks, Datin Cindy Lim, Deputy Chairman of Pavilion KL said, “Chinese New Year is usually a quiet affair for many at these old folk homes as their families are unable to be with them. We wanted to spread the festive joy and invited them over for a fun-filled day. We wish them good health, lots of laughter, love, happiness, and a joyful year ahead.”

More than 60 old folks enjoyed special performances and later tied gold coins 
as well as tossed Yee Sang to usher in a lucky year

Swinging to Chinese New Year Melodies. Datin Cindy Lim keeping beat
and dancing together with a senior citize

Yan Chong Xin, 65, who lives and is also a caretaker at one of the old folk homes, said he hasn’t felt such festivity in a long time. “Chinese New Year is usually like any ordinary day spent at the home. This is my first celebration this year.”

An 85-year-old aunty whom everyone calls Dai Mui said, “It’s great to be out of our usual environment, and the singing and dancing really brings the festivities to life for us old folks.” Although she celebrated the festive season with her son and his family, Dai Mui lives at the home for most part of the year as she needs 24-hour care.

Chin Lin, 75, said, “This made me feel the joy and excitement of Chinese New Year again, which some of us have long forgotten with the passing years without family and friends.” Chin Lin has lived at the home for 20 years. Never married and without any family, he started living at the home when he reached retirement age and could no longer find odd jobs to support himself.

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