
Underground Wholesale Centre of Asia, Guangzhou China (Part 1)

Welcome to the world’s manufacturing hub? Where else? China of course. You can just check how many products that you have, use, wear, display or etc printed Made in China. I was in Gunagzhou, China for a very short trip few months ago.

My friend introduced me to this wholesale place called The Top Clothes Underground Wholesale Centre of Asia. At first I am not sure whether want to go or not because I am running out of time, actually that day I only have like one hour plus to kill before heading to airport since my hotel is so near the Metro Station so why not give it a try. Checked out the place, if I find it interesting I will come back again on my next trip. There are many wholesale markets in Guangzhou.

There are many entrances by lift, escalator and stairs all leads to the underground wholesale area / the first tunnel. 

The Top Clothes Underground Wholesale Centre of Asia I think it has three storey underground and it quite big, some areas are just below Guangzhou Railway Station.  Can you imagine this underground wholesale centre has more than 20 entrances. Yes more than 20 entraces, see the one that I entered is already no 22 entrance I think there are more than that.

Best transport to go there is by Guangzhou Metro (train) you can stop at Guangzhou Railway Station and there will be a tunnel connecting to this wholesale mall or just look for Bai Ma wholesale exit. This Metro station is always pack and full of people so be careful of your belongings.

I was at the Underground Wholesale Centre for only short while so I didn’t really have much time to walk all the floors and its my first time underground so dare not take any picture inside scared kena throw out by the security guard. Why? You see this signage la > No Photo Please (inside the wholesale mall)

See security guards walking around, hmm... better hide my camera

All the shop lots in there are quite small except there are like a few big ones that accupy a few shop lot in a stretch, I think there are thousands shop in there. The place is like a maze to me, I entered in entrance no 22 but exit in entrance no 4, so confused. 

Inside is fashion wholesale center mostly ladies clothes they have for men and children also. Usually fashionable clothes before it hit the market you can find them there, its like one season in advance. Some sales girls are like models, they will dress their store latest design and stand in front of the outlet and in their 4 inch heels.

Plus I discovered that there is a food court on the lowest floor is was so pack with the locals and the workers there. They are eating in I don’t know how many feet underground la… I think it maybe a staff canteen, quite smoky and noisy… hehehe standard la. By the time I found this canteen it’s almost time to go back L no time to eat ish…

Will be going to Guangzhou again today, hopefully this time I have little bit more time to roam around and curi-curi take more pictures inside the underground wholesale centre (hiak hiak hiak) plus take some picture of the busy Gungzhou Railway Station if I can but no promise okay… ta ta 


  1. May I know which hotel did you stay?

    1. i stayed in china hotel. the metro station is just beside the hotel


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