
Samsung Galaxy Note II PINK, Pretty, Girly and Lovely

Hi! Hi! All my PINKilicious! Miss Sunshine is feeling Girly today. It’s GIRLY not GELI ya… Well, most girls love Pink, why not? I think PINK is pretty and girly like Kelly. Yes, I maybe soft but not weak okay so please don’t step on my toes, if not I will bite you grrr :p Ahh…tome PINK symbolize the sense of femininity, happiness, delicate, romantic and of course LOVE. Well, as usual Miss Sunshine is full of love and burst with her sunshine smiles. For the love of GOD, family, friends, people, things around me and last but not lease Love Myself & My Life too. I love You.

Many things that I have and use are either in PINK or red, somehow I will choose those colours. Maybe my eyes get use to it or could be my impulse. Even my handphone cover is in PINK color. 

There are lots of PINKilicous in my Life not only the stuff that I have and use. I also support PINK ribbon and believe we should create awareness about this. Because Early Detection is the Best Protection and Early Detection Saves Life. I encourage you go for breast examination yearly. Remember yo!

Ok, I found out that Samsung GALAXY Note II also available in PINK color. Now, finally the Samsung GALAXY Note II in PINK has arrived in Malaysia. It is available at the selected Samsung stores. 

So I went to check it out at Samsung Suria KLCC store. Basically the specifications are the same as the Samsung GALAXY Note II is just that the casing is in PINK, so Lovely. I wish I could have a PINK smartphone. Make me feel the smartphone is more connected to my style and identity. That would be so cool for a girl… awww!

I wish you PINK of Health too... muacks!


  1. pink is nice.. ! =)

    done follow sini.. jom follow n singgah blog teman.. heee..

    klu minat kucen leh follow blog ni jugak.. =)

    1. Hi Tenku,

      yeah! pinkilicious member. dah follow yrs :D

      Sunshine Kelly


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