
G-Thang on 8TV, What Does a Girl Really Want?

Question of the Day: What does a girl really want? There is two side of the answer. If you are a guy you most likely to say designer sparkly diamonds, bags, shoes, clothes and maybe huge Kimora sized wardrobe? Well, if you are a women, you might go with the notion that all a girl really wants are true love, family, true friends and equal opportunities. Actually, we cant say no to diamonds and also true love right?

G-Thang Tea Party at Botanical Bangsar Village II

Last Wednesday, I was invited to G-Thang Tea Party at Botanical Bangsar Village II. G-Thang is the newest show on 8TV beginning Wednessday March 27th 2013 at 930pm. We were privilege to watch the first episodes. It’s a rundown of the showdown of the trendiest you and women from around Malaysia; find out what they do, what they wear, where they go and who they hang out with. So get ready to meet some of the country’s most inspiring women, discover the latest styles, attend the trendiest parties as well as experience the beauty outdoors in the chic-est way.

the awesome G-Thangers 

with bubbly Zher Peen
Zher Peen is the host, the show it’s about ordinary ladies doing extra ordinary stories of passion and human spirit, from collectors, daredevils, humanitarians, survivors, speed demons and even a shutterbug. Including tips on how to pack light for a trip, prepare a three course meal, overcome your ultimate fear, discover the process of homemade ice-cream and surfing skills.

There are many inspirational and motivation notes and quotes from PositivEmporium 
all around the Botanical Cafe. These are the some that I love

Oooiii! Please leave your negative attitude outside!

Live my Life to the Fullest ~ be happy & no regret 

Have a dream? Go make it Happen!

Pampering sessions going on during the Tea Party

So don’t miss G-Thang premiere on Wednessday 27th March 2013 
at 9.30pm exclusive on 8TV

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