
McDonald’s Prosperity Gives Back Campaign – A Weekend of Sharing with McDonald’s

McDonald’s Chicken Prosperity Meal

I am looking forward to join at McDonald’s Prosperity Gives Back campaign on this weekend 19th & 20th Jan 2013. Not only I like to eat McDonald’s peppery Chicken Prosperity Burger, Twister Fries and McFizz at the same time I can help the less fortunate also. How??? 

On 19th  and 20th Jan 2013 with every purchase of the McDonald’s Prosperity Meal, McDonald’s will donate RM1 to the local charity homes. PROSPERITY is Happiness, Friendship, Love, Satisfaction, Peace, Abundance, Sharing, Family, Affection and Joy… 

(from left – right) Nicholas Ong, radio announcer of OneFM; celebrities Chelsia Ng, Julie Woon, Dennis Lau; Sarah Casanova, Managing Director of McDonald’s Malaysia and Regional Manager of McDonald’s Malaysia & Singapore; Leya, radio announcer of HotFM; Melati Abdul Hai, Head of Marketing for McDonald's Malaysia; Phat Fabes, radio announcer of FlyFM. 

McDonald’s Prosperity Gives Back campaign is now into its third year and in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of the Prosperity Burger, McDonald’s will be dedicating a single weekend, 19th and 20th January 2013 to raise proceeds for more than 60 local charity homes. #ProsperityGivesBack

McDonald’s Prosperity Meal

On these two days, RM1 will be donated to the Prosperity Gives Back campaign 
with every purchase of a Prosperity Meal. 

When the campaign was first introduced in 2011, RM286, 000 was raised and distributed across 44 charitable organisations. In its second year, RM395, 828.80 was raised and distributed across 52 local charitable organisations. This year, McDonald’s aim to reach out to more than 60 charity homes throughout Malaysia and raise as much as funds as possible, with the support from caring Malaysians.

Sarah Casanova, Managing Director of McDonald’s Malaysia and Regional Manager of McDonald’s Malaysia & Singapore

“McDonald’s has always stood by giving back to those in need and bringing benefit to local communities in all our operations worldwide. Throughout our 31 years in Malaysia, we have undertaken many community outreach initiatives that have benefited various communities. Prosperity Gives Back marks the first 2013 community initiative by McDonald’s to touch as many lives, as far reaching as possible across the nation,” said Sarah Casanova, Managing Director of McDonald’s Malaysia and Regional Manager of McDonald’s Malaysia & Singapore during the sharing session.

PROSPERITY stands for 10 values that McDonald’s holds dear – Happiness, Friendship, Love, Satisfaction, Peace, Abundance, Sharing, Family, Affection and Joy. In conjunction with the nationwide campaign, McDonald’s revealed radio announcers Phat Fabes (Fly FM), Leya (HotFM) and Nichoas Ong (OneFM) as the faces for this year’s Prosperity Gives Back charity drive; on January 19th  and 20th, they will all be at McDonald’s Kota Damansara Drive-Thru from 11:00am onwards to serve Malaysians as volunteers.

(from left – right) Dennis Lau, Julie Woon, Phat Fabes, Sarah Casanova, Leya, Chelsia Ng and Nicholas Ong

McDonald’s Beef Prosperity Meal

To help foster the spirit of Prosperity Gives Back, McDonald’s has made available a microsite last December, we Malaysians can share our true, heart-warming stories behind our experience of the 10 Values of Prosperity. Selected stories will be published in leading newspapers to be shared with Malaysians in February 2013. You can log on to to read stories of true ‘PROSPERITY’ shared by our fellow Malaysians. 

Find out more about McDonald’s Prosperity Gives Back Campaign 
and the Prosperity Burger on

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