
Don't Lose It All, Its Time to Get Data or You'll Lose It All. Episod 2 Xpax, Celcom

Did you follow Xpax Don’t Lose It All latest video on YouTube, it’s about a long distance relationship and love triangle that involved Amy, Nick and Joe. In Don't Lose It All Episod 1Amy has been facing her frustrations badly because Nick hasn’t been replying. These are obviously the consequences of being in a long distance relationship – but of course they’re both aware of that.

However, in this day of age, we have data – so where did they go wrong? Why Nick do not reply Amy’s messages? They lost contact maybe Nick’s no data plan. Now that Nick has been away for sometime, is Amy moving on? OMG! Is Nick back? But whose ring is that? This relationship is getting more intense. Watch Don't Lose It All Episod 2 Trailer...

 stay tuned till the story unfolds on 18 January 2013 #DontLoseItAll 

Oh no! Where did he go? That's why you need data or you'll lose it all. 
Check out for more info.

its Time To Get Data
Dial *128#

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