
Tony Roma’s Best Ribs Election Showdown

Tony Roma’s Best Ribs Election Showdown Launch
at Tony Roma’s Setia City Mall on 1st of Nov 2012. 
Every Vote Counts, One Rib to Rule them All

Election season has hit fever pitch this year as Tony Roma’s Malaysia launches their first ever Best Ribs Election Showdown! Three rib candidates have surfaced but only one will emerge as the ‘Best Ribs in Town’ at Tony Roma’s.

The ‘candidates’ presented for this campaign are the delectable Bountiful Beef Ribs, Beef Short Ribs and the Lamb Ribs – an innovation made possible by Tony Roma’s Malaysia. 

and my votes goes to.... drum roll!!!! 
the Lamb Ribs because I love to eat Lamb. Of course Tony Roma's is famous for its beef ribs. Have you tried their Lamb Ribs lame-grilled with signature seasonings and honey plum glaze

Mr Dickson Low, Chief Operating Officer of Revenue Valley

“The Best Rib’s Election Showdown is an eleven week campaign which commences from the 5th of November 2012 until the 20th of January 2013. Tony Roma’s has always been famous for our ribs and during this election process we will have three best selling ribs contending for the coveted position as the ‘Best Ribs in Town’,” said Dickson Low, Chief Operating Officer of Revenue Valley, sole franchise holder of Tony Roma’s in Malaysia.

Bountiful Beef Ribs
The Meaty Goodness We Can Believe In

Priced from RM 53.90, the tasty Bountiful Beef Ribs promises to deliver “meaty goodness that we can believe in” with big, meaty beef ribs topped with Tony Roma’s very own original BBQ sauce or with any sauce as per diner’s request. 

The Beef Short Ribs 
Ribs Everyone Can Enjoy

However, this ‘beefy’ meal is faced with a heavy challenger, the mouth-watering Beef Short Ribs. Claiming to be the “ribs that everyone can enjoy” it features braised and grilled bone-in ribs, topped with demi-glace and fire-roasted zucchini, red peppers and carrots complete with lip-smacking mashed potatoes from RM 58.90.

Lamb Ribs 
Putting Flavours You Like First 

Last but not least, the enticing Lamb Ribs is also proven to be a tough contender with its tender marinated lamb ribs, flame-grilled with signature seasonings and honey plum glaze. Packing a punch with its stance – “putting flavours you like first”, this meal can be made yours for RM 45.90.


Question remains whether these three ribs will be able to stand true to their stance and ‘policies’. Just like any good old democratic process, it is up for the public to decide as they will be encouraged to cast the votes for their favourite Ribs.

Tony Roma’s has also announced that over the next eleven weeks, there will be a series of attractive promotions centered around the ‘candidates’ as ‘they’ are quite eager to win the votes from the diners. Diners are to pay close attention to Tony Roma’s Facebook page for regular updates on what’s in store for them before voting.

For more information and updates about their latest promotion visit

Tony Roma’s Website

Tony Roma’s Facebook Page

Tony Roma’s on Twitter

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