
Free Egg McMuffin on McDonald’s Breakfast Day 19th Nov 2012

How many of us skip breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal that helps to power-start our day with energy. We know it, but why do we still skip breakfast. Reasons varying from ‘no time’, ‘too troublesome’ and ‘watching my diet’ keep us from the most important meal of the day.

Sarah Casanova, Managing Director of McDonald’s Malaysia and Regional Manager of McDonald’s Malaysia & Singapore kicked off McDonald’s Breakfast Day, a movement to celebrate the most important meal of the day

Reinforcing the importance of breakfast, McDonald’s Malaysia to take a bold step forward and encourage Malaysians to enjoy the benefits of consuming wholesome, freshly prepared breakfast regularly. And McDonald’s make it really convenient by providing the quality taste of McDonald’s breakfast served hot, fresh and on-the-go.

More than 200,000 servings of Free Egg McMuffin on 19 Nov 2012 
from 7am to 10am  to celebrate McDonald’s Breakfast Day

Come let's have breakfats together 

The McDonald’s Breakfast Day on 19 November creates a reason for the nation to wake up to breakfast together.  From 7 am to 10am, each of the 215 McDonald’s Breakfast Restaurants nationwide will host Malaysians from all walks of life to enjoy a Free Egg McMuffin for the first 1,000 customers including Genting & airport stores. Available on dine in, take away and also drive thru.

McDonald’s Egg McMuffin is made with farm fresh egg, golden cheese and a slice of chicken roll in a freshly toasted English muffin.


Come and get your Free Egg McMuffin on McDonald’s Breakfast Day
Have a great start to a great morning

Date: 19th Nov 2012 (Monday)
Time: 7am -10am 
Venue: All McDonald’s Breakfast Restaurants nationwide 
including Genting & airport stores

For more information on McDonald’s Breakfast Day and to locate the McDonald’s Breakfast Restaurant nearest to you, please visit

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