
Libresse Barometer A Platform Where You and I Share Our Moods, Opinions and Thoughts

The world is moving towards liberating or empowering women. Allowing and giving women more opportunities, chances and channels to voice out our opinions, share our thoughts and tips to the world and especially to all the women out there.

Cool, I just found out that Libresse Malaysia has this new apps that was launched on Monday, 27th August 2012. It is called Libresse Barometer. This is a facebook apps or utility or platform that we can share and express our feelings, moods and opinions.

It is an super cool platform where you and I get to voice our thoughts and share our moods with girls around the nation. Who knows, maybe some of our thoughts can inspire some others out there. Wow, that would be interesting. Not only that, by sharing and voicing out our opinion we can also win cool prizes and surprises from Libresse. So start using this apps and sharing. It is time to be vocal.  

Do you have the urge to voice or share your thoughts about women’s topics with your friends and girls around the world? Are you shy? Why? Well, I think that depend very much on the topics itself. If the topics that I can relate to and it is interesting I don’t have any qualms to voice and share it out.

Well, Libresse Barometer apps is cool and creates a channel for us to voice our our opinions, express our moods and share out thoughts. The topics are interesting. For example the first week topic are about make-up. What is our perception and preferences on make-up. That is interesting to me. I am getting excited and anticipate more interesting topics coming up next week.

How to get started
1. Go to Libresse Facebook Page and Like the Page

2. Click on Libresse Barometer apps

3. If you are first timer, Click Go to App & then Allow. After that this will page will appear. 

4. Click Enter. Now you are ready to voice and share

How to share

Every week there will be different topic, so every Monday the new Topic of the Week will be announced. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday there will be new Question of the Day. So every week there will be 3 questions. You need to click on Libresse Barometer apps to answer the question of the day. You can answer and share any question of the day during that week as long as it is still in the same topic. This is how we can share and voice out our moods, thoughts and opinions. 

The Libresse Barometer app is from 27th Aug till 31st Dec, 2012. Once you have shared and submitted yours always go back to check if you got any suprises and keep sharing your thoughts on weekly topics. Sharing is caring girls…  

Step 1: Select an emoticon that best represents how you feel about this week’s topic. You can choose either I am Happy, I am Excited, I am Bored, I am Sad, I am Moody or I am Angry. You can only choose 1 emoticon.

For example the topic of this week is about make-up. I feel excited about it because is something that I love to do and share.

Step 2: Type in how you feel about the question of the day. For example From Gwen Stefani to Taylor Swift, Tinseltown is now rocking red lips. Which make-up trend do you like the most? My answer is I like bold lips and neutral eyes. 

Step 3: You can record you Voice and select an effect you would like to have applied to it. You can choose Chipmunk, Baby, Robot or Normal voice. 

Step 4: Click Share. You can share on your Timeline / Wall and Libresse Malaysia Wall

See this is my sharing on my Facebook Wall 

Submissions of sentiments will be closed on every Sunday at 12.00am. There will be a dedicated ‘Wall poster’ on statistics based on the data collected that will appear every Monday on Libresse Malaysia Facebook Page. Do remember to check out the statistics ever Monday.

Every week, Libresse Malaysia will select 3 participants who have shared their wonderful thought via Libresse Barometer. The selected participant will receive little surprises from Libresse. Yes! I love surprises, wonder what are the little surprises will be? I am curious and excited to know also…

So how do Libresse Malaysia select the 3 participants:-

Most active participant (x 1 per week)

Most interesting sentiments / sharings submitted (x 2 per week)

Do you love surprises? If yes let’s share, share, share… in Libresse Barometer apps plus remember to be creative and vocal ok… 

Remember to check out Libresse Malaysia Facebook Page

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