Giveaway: The Winner of Fabulous Finds Beauty Box I

Beginning of September I did a giveaway of Fabulous Finds Beauty Box 1 HERE
so who is the winner?

As mentioned earlier winner will be chosen using Random.Org

The results generated by Random.Org is no 30!

These are the 43 participants Follower ID in Fabulous Finds Beaity Box I Giveaway

Nicole Ms. Baby Yumiko

You have won 1 Fabulous Finds Beauty Box

Please email your details name, contact, mailing address to kelly2988[at]gmail[dot]com

If failed to email your details latest by 30th Sept, 2012 
another winner will be chosen using Random.Org. 

Thanks to all for participating in this giveaway. 
There will be more giveaways
on the way… stay tune 


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