
Pep Guardiola, Barcelona Football Coach Suprises the Guest at An Evening with Castrol Professional in Kuala Lumpur

Castrol proud sponsor of the UEFA EURO 2012™ tournament, recently held an exciting evening event with their guest of honor, Pep Guardiola – recent coach of Barcelona and one of the most decorated football coaches in world football. Aptly named “An Evening with Castrol Professional”, the event featured a very exclusive and personal experience for Castrol’s partners and guests.

Speaking at the exclusive event organized by Castrol, Pep Guardiola said: “In top level sport you need to be relaxed and focused. If you are tense you cannot be good technically. The most important thing is always to master your response to the situation you face. That is vital for the players in pressurized situations. Football is an extremely tough and challenging game played under intense pressure. Castrol EDGE operates under similar conditions and consistently delivers outstanding performance”.

Drawing a parallel between football and the corporate world, Pep shared his insights about how he builds the capabilities and mental strength of his players to deliver winning performances. He also demonstrated how these skills and techniques are just as appropriate for helping business managers deliver winning performances in their workplace. 


Throughout his career, as both a legendary football player and world renowned manager, Pep has used analysis, technology and innovation to mould a winning team. None is more present than the glory he has provided for one of the greatest footballing clubs of all time, FC Barcelona, as both manager and player.

Commenting on Pep Guardiola’s similarities with Castrol, Castrol Regional Marketing Director, Shyam Balasubramanian said:  “We value Pep’s rigorous approach to football management, as we have used this same approach in making high technology products 100 years. Pep’s winning mentality and ability to perform under immense pressure are shared with Castrol, and just like our best performance oil, Castrol EDGE, Pep possesses the ability to deliver winning performances anytime, anywhere, no matter what the condition is”.

As a manager, Pep won 14 top flight trophies in 4 seasons with FC Barcelona. This included a season where his team won 6 trophies from a possible 6 competitions; no club has ever accomplished such a feat. What he accomplished in 4 seasons at the club made him the most successful manager to ever helm FC Barcelona.

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