
The Northern Japan Fair at Tokyo Street, Pavilion KL

The Northern Japan Fair at Tokyo Street, Event Hall, Level 6, Pavilion KL from 14th to 15th Jan 2012 from 10am to 10pm. 

The launch kicked start with the spectacular and heart pounding drum performance by world famous Namahage Sato-Kagura group.

Namahage is a traditional folk art in Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture, Japan.  Visiting each house at night on the New Year Eve as messenger of a god, Namahage will bring a rich crop, a large catch and good luck to families and, also warn lazy children.  Namahage has been designated as on Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Japan in 1978.

Namahage Sato-Kagura is a group established in 2002 and actively performs in Japan and overseas.  Most recent overseas performance was held at UNESCO Hall in Paris in 2010.  

The Northern Japan Fair launch was officiated by H.E. Mr. Shigeru Nakamura, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia. 

H.E. Mr. Shigeru Nakamura, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia

From left: Ms. Joyce Yap, CEO of Retail Pavilion KL; Ms. Hong San San, Operations Manager MATTA; H.E. Mr. Shigeru Nakamura, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia; YBhg Dato’ Desmond Lee, Apple Vacations; En. Abdul Haris, Deputy Director Malaysia Tourism Board

 Big applause to the vigorous Namahage drum performance by 
the VIPs, guests and visitors 

At the launch, Ms Joyce Yap, CEO of Retail Pavilion KL said, “We are pleased to be working with the Japan Embassy of Malaysia to bring this Northern Japan Fair to Malaysia. I hope this fair will be able to give Malaysians and tourists a journey through the exquisites offerings that the northern region of Japan is so famous for. As a world class shopping and lifestyle deatination, Pavilion KL takes pride in being a cultural hub to promote different arts and traditions to Malaysia.”  

The two-day Northern Japan Fair introduces Japanese culture, scenic landscape and food, especially those from the Tohoku area. There are massive collection of emotive and awe inspiring photographs with a third of the photos focusing on the Tohoku region, as well as distribution and promotion of food from Iwate Prefecture.

One of the food sampling: Ika-senbei

One of the food sampling from Iwate Prefecture

There will be brochure and leaflets available at the fair, you can gather more information about Japan at the same time enjoy the food arts and craft at the fair. Through this fair, shoppers can have a glimpse of the exquisite offerings of the northern region of Japan and will be inspired to visit the beautiful Land of the Rising Sun.   


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