
DevilRobots Invades Tokyo Street

Action City, Tokyo Street in Pavilion KL was ATTACKED 
by the DevilRobots from Japan last week!
They are very mischievous and naughty, a little evil but very cute...

Together with its renowned Creator and Art Director, Shinichiro Kitai, the Devilrobots made its first appearance at Tokyo Street, the definitive “Little Tokyo” of Malaysia. Kitai is best known for creating the popular To-Fu Oyako character.

Mr Shinichiro Kitai, Art Director of DevilRobots designed 3 special To-fu characters 
for Tokyo Street known as TTS (To-fu Tokyo Street)

Shinichiro Kitai, Creator and Art Director of Devil Robots said, “We would like thank Pavilion KL and Action City for making it possible for us to be here to meet our fans. Everywhere we go, we always enjoy meeting the fans and interacting with them. We have also created three special TOFUs that are specially designed for Tokyo Street, named TTS (Tofu Tokyo Street).”

With one of the TTS To-Fu Character... its so cute lar

TTS ~ Everybody Loves To-Fu

This exhibition will also host the popular PRIKURA, the Japanese photo 
sticker machine with preset To-fu Tokyo Street designed picture borders 
for shoppers to have their customized photos taken

TTS Everybody Loves To-Fu limited edition t-shirts for Charity Sale

This limited edition To-fu Tokyo Street t-shirts were on sale for RM100 each 
and proceeds were donated to the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Fund 
through the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia

The DevilRobots Exhibition cum meet and great session saw fans eagerly queuing up 
to meet Mr Shinichiro to receive his autograph as well as a 
custom drawn character resembling themselves

The DevilRobots exhibition will be on from 16-25 Sept 2011 
at Tokyo Street, Pavilion KL

Lots Sunshine Smiles and Colorful Rainbows 
to all of you from Miss Sunshine...

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