Happy Chinese New Year Greetings From Vegas

Happy Chinese New Year 
Gong Xi Fa Chai
Happy Holiday

Las Vegas

Celebrating Chinese New Year abroad is not as happening as in Malaysia. In US there is no Lou Sang and I am missing it badly. I like to Lou Sang because it is good ice breaker before any reunion meal. 

Yee Sang

Everyone toss the yee sang at the same time saying all the good words including my favourite ‘HuatAh’. I hope that soon there will be Yee Sang in the US or maybe some area or restaurant have it but so far I have not discover them. At first I wanted to bring a few boxes of Yee Sang over but according to the regulations no wet food and fruits are allowed into the US unless have declaration and documents. It is quite hassle during custom clearance.

Downtown, Los Angeles

Before Las Vegas, we were in Los Angeles for a few days. Mainly in downtown Los Angeles and Monterey Park, then we stayed in Santa Monica for 2 days. I like it there and hope that I will go back again. The lifestyle over there is more relax and also people are friendly. 

Santa Monica, Los Angeles

Pacific Park, Santa Monica Pier, Los Angeles

I love stroll along beach, have breakfast at the pier, go to the carnival and gazing at the rainbow sky every sunrise and sunset. Although the weather in Santa Monica is a bit chilly and windy, it is still better than winter in New York or Boston. I will be back to Kuala Lumpur next week but the family will continue their trip to New York. Oh no is so cold there…

I wish you all have a Prosperous and Happy Chinese New Year. 
Looking forward for more Lou Sang during Open Houses when I am back :D

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